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Criminal Defense Attorney in Kenosha, Wisconsin

When you are facing serious criminal charges, you should not have to prove your innocence to your lawyer. The investigators and prosecutors will work hard enough against you. Your attorney needs to be completely on your side throughout negotiations and trials.

At the office of John Anthony Ward, Attorney at Law, we have more than 24 years of criminal defense experience in southeastern Wisconsin and northern Illinois. Whether you are facing simple traffic violation or DUI charges, or homicide accusations, we will vigorously protect your rights. You do not want to speak to government officials without the assistance of an experienced criminal defense attorney.

Charged with a Crime?


Fighting on Your Side

Too often, people plead guilty because they don't think they have a choice. The prosecution can be intimidating, but it is important to remember that you have rights, and you should use utilize them as such. Doing it alone can be difficult, so a skilled lawyer can assist you in understanding those rights and fighting for you along the way.

Over the past 24 years, we have protected our clients in state and federal courts. We will fight misdemeanor and felony charges such as drunk driving (DUI), homicide, sex offenses and drug offenses, including possession. We will do everything we can to:

  • Have the charges against you dismissed

  • Obtain a reduced sentence

  • Preserve your right to appeal

If you are convicted of domestic abuse, you can be denied custody of your children. Our experience in both family law and criminal defense allows us to protect your interests across the board.

We zealously protect our clients. If a plea bargain is in your best interests, we can help you reach that conclusion. However, our clients are often better served by going to court. With decades of jury trial experience, we are not afraid to take your case to the courtroom.

Reach out to our firm if you're in the Kenosha, Wisconsin, or in the surrounding areas, for support from our criminal defense attorney today.