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Sex Crimes Attorney in Kenosha, Wisconsin

Wisconsin Sexual Assault Laws

It's no secret that sex crimes are considered particularly heinous offenses by the general public. For this reason, if you’re accused of a sex crime, you may find that society considers you guilty until proven innocent. Due to this stigma and the consequences your charges can have on your day-to-day life, it’s important that you obtain representation from an attorney.

At the Law Office of John Anthony Ward, our Kenosha sex crime defense attorney understands the sensitive nature of sex crime charges and strives to assist clients and their families compassionately and respectfully after they’ve been accused of or charged with these types of criminal offenses. Attorney John Anthony Ward knows that sex crimes can range from minor misdemeanors to violent felonies, and is prepared to defend against your charges, no matter how severe they may be. With over 200 jury trials handled in state and federal courts throughout Wisconsin, he is not afraid to take your case to trial.

If you’re facing sex crime charges, the Law Office of John Anthony Ward can help you by:

  • Interviewing the people involved in your case

  • Conferring with experts if appropriate

  • Negotiating lesser charges or penalties with the prosecution (if possible)

  • Arguing your case in court (if necessary)

  • Standing by your side until your case is resolved

Don't Let This Ruin Your Life


What Are Sex Crimes?

Sex crimes are defined as any criminal offense involving sexual activity without consent. Sexual assault is one of the most serious sex crimes in Wisconsin and the rest of the country. Not only does a conviction result in a lengthy prison sentence, costly fines, and even a civil lawsuit against you, but it will also lead to being required to register as a sex offender – possibly for the rest of your life.

Types of Sexual Assault

The following are the four degrees of sexual assault in Wisconsin:

  • First-degree sexual assault – Sexual intercourse or misconduct with another person without his/her consent, causing serious bodily injury or pregnancy, and involves threatening the alleged victim with force or a dangerous weapon. First-degree sexual assault is a Class B felony, which carries a maximum prison term of 60 years.

  • Second-degree sexual assault – Sexual intercourse or misconduct with someone without his/her consent while using force or threats of violence; when the act results in injury, mental anguish, or disease; when the alleged victim is intoxicated or unconscious and unable to provide consent; or when a correctional staff member or parole officer has sexual intercourse or contact with a prisoner or parolee. Second-degree sexual assault is a Class C felony, punishable by imprisonment for up to 40 years and a maximum fine of $100,000.

  • Third-degree sexual assault – Any other type of sexual intercourse with someone without his/her consent. Third-degree sexual assault is a Class G felony, which carries a maximum prison sentence of 10 years and a fine of no more than $25,000.

  • Fourth-degree sexual assault – Any other type of sexual misconduct (e.g. groping) with another person. Fourth-degree sexual assault is a Class A misdemeanor, punishable by a jail sentence of up to nine months and a maximum fine of $10,000.

What Are the Penalties for Sex Offenses?

Sexual crime charges could land you in prison for a lifetime and at the very least put you on probation. If you were to be convicted, it can prevent you from getting jobs, loans, houses, and many other rights. If you were unjustly accused of a sexual assault charge, you can count on the Law Office of John Anthony Ward to help you gain the best defensive team we have available. We can help in Wisconsin, Illinois, and Federal Courts.

Sex Offender Registry

The sex offender registry is an online database that has your name, age, distinguishing characteristics, and details about the crime that you were convicted of. Once you are registered, this will stay with you for life. This can make it increasingly difficult to find a place to work and live. That is why you need the help of an experienced sex crime attorney from the Law Office of John Anthony Ward.

Let Us Fight for Your Freedom & Reputation

You can count on our firm’s 35 years of experience in dealing with charges to help you with this problem. We'll aggressively work to defend your reputation while getting to the root of the criminal charge.