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He Gave Me My Life Back.

Attorney Ward and his professional team proceeded tenaciously to build a strong case in my favor. His in-depth knowledge of the law resulted in my twelve-year-old felony becoming just a misdemeanor. With this case, Attorney Ward has opened new doors for resolving wrongful convictions. In the beginning, he told me that 90% of convicted felons do not get as far as I did and I feel that was solely based on Attorney Ward's extreme work ethic. He gave me my life back.

- Client Review

John Anthony Ward's Office Is the Best Legal Representation I Have Ever Experienced.

John Anthony Ward's office is the best legal representation I have ever experienced and that is why I am keeping John Ward as my legal representation for any legal matter, he is truly the best.

- Client Review

Top-Notch Attorney and Staff!

Top-notch Attorney and Staff! They understood our situation, acted quickly, and got great results. I truly felt his entire staff had compassion for our situation and worked hard to represent us. We were blessed to have them on our side, helping us through a very ugly situation. Don't hesitate to give them a call!!!

- Client Review

I Couldn't Have Asked for Better Results.

I hired Attorney Ward to represent me for a child paternity/support case. I couldn't have asked for better results. The case was handled in a very professional manner. Attorney Ward and his staff were very friendly, helpful and a pleasure to work with. I especially appreciated the monthly summaries I received via mail. These summaries break down everything that his firm has done for you over the last month. I highly recommend Attorney Ward.

- Client Review

Thank You, Mr. Ward, and Your Office for Helping Me Get My Life Back.

I just went through a very hard bitter divorce, my second divorce, and the second time I hired Mr. Ward to represent me. This second divorce went to a trial, I have 3 minor children I was protecting. Yes it cost a lot of money, yes it took a lot of time, and yes it was difficult but that was because I was divorcing a difficult person. From the start Mr. Ward's office was great. His secretaries are amazing, absolutely love Julia, even Mr. Ward was extremely patient and understanding with me. Not once did Mr. Ward preach about God. Mr. Ward gave me facts, and no he did not lie, he was right about my divorce in the beginning. I thought I could slide through it, just needed a lawyer for the paperwork. I was wrong my ex was unresponsive and did not corporate. My divorce took almost a year and went to trial. Mr. Ward was amazing at trial, walked out of court with sole custody and my house, and controlled visitation. What else could you ask for? I would recommend Mr. Ward to family and friends. Thank you, Mr. Ward, and your office for helping me get my life back.

- Client Review

He Has Never Failed to Go Above and Beyond My Expectations.

I have retained the attorney ward since 2010 in an ongoing custody battle with my ex-wife. I have placement as the father thanks to John Ward. He has NEVER failed to go above and beyond my expectations. Attorney Ward is very well versed in the legalities of child custody and placement and he is not one of those lawyers who charge you for every little thing. You know exactly what you are paying for and why. Personally, I would pay more for an attorney like him!

- Client Review

Best Attorney Experience I've Had.

I would highly recommend this firm to anyone in need of their services. I had a family law matter that needed an attorney to help resolve, and in only a few weeks, the matter is on it's way to being completed. Very professional and good-natured staff, talking with them made me feel like I had found the best law firm in my area. Best attorney experience I've had. If I ever need services again, John Anthony Ward, LLC is my first call and recommendation.

- Client Review

Mr. Ward Is One of The Best Lawyers in Kenosha!

Mr. Ward is one of the best lawyers in Kenosha and knows how to get the result you can live with or better yet dismissed! John will fight for your rights the best he can do to help you WIN your case. Don't hire anyone until you speak with him. Thanks, John see you soon.

- Client Review

We Win Every Time We Go to Court Thanks to Mr. Ward.

John Anthony Ward is representing us in a custody case. Mr. Ward is a consummate professional, and he treats us as though we are his only clients. He works hard for us, and he keeps us informed about the progress of the case. We win every time we go to court thanks to Mr. Ward.

- Client Review

Great Representation! Experienced, Professional, Supportive, and Fierce!

Great representation! Experienced, Professional, Supportive, and Fierce! We hired Attorney Ward to represent my husband in a child custody/support case. He had been struggling to maintain very basic visitation schedules with his son because his child’s mother was consistently playing games and refusing visitation. Attorney Ward was able to prove my husband’s case, and we currently have the primary placement of his son. That is such a difficult thing to do! Courts are generally more in favor of the mother when it Comes to child custody cases, even when the mother is in the wrong. These are very difficult cases to win. He was very patient with us and understood well that we were emotionally invested in the results of his case. So, when we had questions or began to feel anxious, both the attorney ward and his staff were great at explaining everything and putting our anxieties to rest. We spent the first three years fighting in court and trying to get by with cheaper attorneys and even went without an attorney at all for a few months. Take it from us, it is much less expensive to just retain a high-quality attorney from the beginning rather than going to a high-quality attorney to correct years of mistakes after the fact! We are thankful that we found you, attorney Ward and staff! Thank you for all you’ve done for us.

- Client Review