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Child Custody Attorney in Kenosha, Wisconsin

Ready to Protect You & Your Child’s Rights & Best Interests

Divorce, domestic violence accusations, and paternity disputes are only three of the many issues that can accompany child custody battles. Whatever situation you find yourself in, it is important to have an experienced custody lawyer you can trust on your side.

At the Law Office of John Anthony Ward, we offer cutting-edge custody representation. With 35 years of family law experience, our Kenosha child custody attorney offers creative custody solutions to our clients in southeastern Wisconsin and northern Illinois. We strive for efficient, positive outcomes while doing everything possible to reach a resolution smoothly and efficiently.

We Want to Protect
Your Children's Futures


Handling All Child Custody Matters

Child custody disputes can be some of the most contentious legal battles our clients ever face. You deserve to spend time with your child.

Our firm will help you reach an agreement that protects your interests while meeting your child's needs. We will explain the full impact of your custody decisions so that you can make informed choices.

We put our extensive experience to work protecting our clients' interests regarding:

  • Sole custody – One parent is given the entire custody arrangement. They will have the children in their care for 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. The other spouse will not have custody.

  • Joint custody – A custody arrangement where the parents split custody between them and each has time with the children throughout the week and during the holidays.

  • Split custody – Children are split between parents, so each parent has full-time custody of certain children.

  • Temporary custody orders – Whether you are in the initial stages of a divorce or have just been accused of domestic abuse, a temporary custody order can ensure your ability to spend time with your child.

  • Relocation – If you or your child's other parent wants to leave Wisconsin or Illinois, we will guide you through the custody modification process to make sure that your rights are protected.

  • Domestic abuse and custody – Unfortunately, false accusations of domestic violence are not uncommon in custody matters. With extensive criminal defense and family law experience, we know how to help you protect your rights and your relationship with your child.

  • Child support issues – The proper child support calculation will depend largely on your custody

  • Grandparents’ rights – We have extensive experience protecting relatives' and grandparents' rights.

How Is Child Custody Determined in Wisconsin?

In the state of Wisconsin, child custody is determined by either the parents or by a court order. The court order will issue if the parents can't agree. If the court is determining custody they will consider the following factors:

  • The wishes of each parent

  • The wishes of the child

  • The child’s relationship with each parent

  • The child’s age and needs

  • The mental & physical health of all parties

  • Any history of domestic violence

  • Any history of abuse or negligence with the child

  • Any history of drug/alcohol abuse

  • Availability of child care services

Request a Free Consultation Today

Legal issues involving a child can be complex and emotionally charged. At this difficult time for your family, you need the help of an attorney you can trust to handle your case with the utmost compassion, skill, and professionalism.

The Law Office of John Anthony Ward understands that this is a challenging time and believes that you deserve attentive, individualized service – and that’s exactly what you can expect when you work with our Kenosha child custody lawyer, from your initial consultation to the resolution of your case. It's time to get help from a professional you can trust to work hard for your family.