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Family Law Attorney in Kenosha, Wisconsin

Protecting Wisconsin and Illinois Clients in Divorce

Ending a marriage can involve significant emotional and financial stress. Whether your divorce involves heated debates over child custody, or you have already come to an agreement concerning property division and other issues, it is important to make sure that everything is done correctly the first time around.

At the office of John Anthony Ward, Attorney at Law, we are aggressive and creative in our family law representation. We have over 30 years of experience protecting our clients in southeastern Wisconsin and northern Illinois divorce matters, currently settled in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Dividing Assets, Accounts, and Debts in Divorce

Everything that you acquired together and even assets that you owned prior to marriage are potentially on the table, including:

  • The marital residence and other real estates

  • Pensions and retirement accounts

  • A business or professional practice

  • Stocks, investments, and savings

  • Vehicles, valuables, and furnishings

  • Jointly acquired debts and loans

We Care for Your Loved Ones


The first order of business is to determine which assets are subject to division and which are separate property for purposes of divorce. This may involve forensic accountants uncovering hidden assets or accounts. Then we have to agree on the value of assets. We work with certified public accountants (CPAs), business valuation experts, appraisers, and other professionals to arrive at accurate figures.

It is important to understand that your marital wealth is not necessarily divided in half. A judge must consider 13 statutory factors, from the financial positions of each party to career sacrifices and contributions to the marriage. Our attorney goes beyond the equitable distribution statute to anticipate spousal support and child support, the possibility that one spouse may end up in bankruptcy, and ramifications for retirement and estate planning.

Our Family Law Attorney in Kenosha, Wisconsin

He can offer creative solutions for a practical property settlement, and he is not afraid to go to court to keep the other side honest and to stand up for your rightful share in asset division. Mr. Ward handles complex and high-asset divorces, but he is accessible to anyone seeking an edge or needing protection in these important proceedings.

The Law Office of John Anthony Ward represents divorcing men and women in Kenosha, Racine, and southeast Wisconsin, as well as Waukegan and northern Illinois.