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Traffic Crimes Attorney in Kenosha, Wisconsin

Fighting for You with 35 Years of Experience in Wisconsin

Traffic violations can often be seen mostly as an annoyance. Many people pay their fines and move on with their lives without considering the consequences. Paying your fine for any traffic violation is an admission of guilt which puts demerit points on your driving record. Those points can lead to a spike in your insurance premiums. Too many points accumulated over a set period of time can result in the loss of your driver’s license. Furthermore, some traffic violations become criminal matters that are charged as misdemeanors or even felonies which call for the services of a competent defender.

At the Law Office of John Anthony Ward, we have a long history of successfully handling all kinds of criminal and traffic violations for clients throughout the area. Attorney John Anthony Ward has been in practice since 1985 and has conducted more than 200 jury trials. Our firm is well-versed in Wisconsin law and familiar with the local court systems that handle traffic tickets as well as more serious criminal violations. As a skilled defender in the local courts, our Kenosha traffic crimes attorney knows how to fight for your best outcome in any traffic matter.

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How Many Points Will You Receive for a Traffic Ticket in Wisconsin?

Examples of points for a standard driver’s license include:

  • Three points for driving one to 10 mph above the posted limit

  • Six points for driving 11 to 19 mph above the posted limit

  • Four points for driving too fast in bad weather

  • Three points for an illegal U-turn

  • Four points for failing to yield the right-of-way

  • Three points for failing to give a proper signal

  • Three points for tailgating

Commercial driver’s license holders, as well as motorcyclists, are subject to their own point system.

Wisconsin Traffic Ticket License Suspensions

Traffic citations in Wisconsin will result in demerit points and, if you accumulate 12 to 16 points in a year, your license can be suspended for two months. Accumulating 17 to 22 points in a year will result in a four-month suspension. Accumulating 23 to 30 points will result in a six-month suspension and any points above 30 will lead to a one-year suspension. The only way to reduce the points on your record is to take an approved traffic safety class which will result in a three-point reduction on your record. This can only be done once a year.

Criminal Traffic Offenses

As mentioned above, some traffic offenses become criminal matters which can lead to a permanent criminal record, potential jail time, and excessive fines.

These can include:

  • Operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs

  • DUI or OWI cases that cause property damage, bodily injury, or death

  • Leaving the scene of an accident (hit-and-run)

  • Fleeing a police officer

  • Drag racing on public streets

  • Reckless driving

  • Driving on a suspended license

  • Driving on a revoked license

As an example, driving on a suspended license may be charged as a misdemeanor carrying penalties of up to a year in jail and/or fines of up to $2,500. If you are pulled over for this type of violation, your vehicle may be towed unless another licensed driver is present. Repeat offenders will face increased penalties.

OWIs are charged as misdemeanors with increasing penalties for repeat offenders as well. A fourth OWI is charged as a felony that can lead to six years in prison.

Call the Law Office of John Anthony Ward

When facing any traffic crime, you have the right to your day in court. Having a tough defender in your corner can have a dramatic impact on how your case is resolved. Our firm has the experience and determination needed to fight relentlessly in seeking the best possible result.